Monday, January 17, 2011

Book L-O-V-E!

Pottering around Palmer Square with Mom today, of course forced us into local children's toy store, jaZams, to "relive our childhood" as we explained to the shopkeeper (their site shows nothing, but think "magical" like The Shop Around the Corner from "You've Got Mail," but with more than just books, even from Europe and Asia). I fell in love with the two cutest books that I wish I'd had the ideas to write. Next best idea: adopt kids soon so I can read them to them.

No. 1: Mud Pies and Other Recipes cooks up dishes for your favorite dolls' tea parties: "Pencil Sharpener Pudding," "Wood Chip Dip," and "Roast Rocks" are some whimsical centerpiece necessities. Would have been great for my own mud pie days. So cute!!

No. 2: Turkish Delight and Treasure Hunts gives instructions on how to make the treats from your favorite children's stories. Think the personified animals' home-made dishes from Narnia. Why, yes, I've really always wanted to walk through the wardrobe myself.

Wish I could... it's been snowy enough here to feel like the White Witch's woods anyway; all I need is a lamp post.

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